Arizona SOS Business Entity Search

Arizona SOS Business Entity Search
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Arizona Secretary of State Corporations Division
Phoenix Office — 1300 West Washington 1st Floor, Phoenix, AZ 85007-2929
Tucson Office — Arizona Corporation Commission 400 W. Congress, 2nd Floor Tucson, AZ 85701
Phone Number: (602) 542-3026
Fax: (602) 542-8813

Lookup a Business Entity

Step 1 — Start

Go to the Arizona Secretary of State’s Website.

Here you will be able to preform a search by: name, file number, registered agent, and check the availability of the name of a business entity.

When doing a generic search of a corporation, LLC (limited liability company), or partnership by name.

Step 2 — Choose Your Entity

As you can see above, the database will pull and preview all matching entities including; File Number, Name, and the Type. Click on the dark blue link (Under Corporation Name) in order to get to the next page which will show you all the information on file with the Arizona Secretary of State.

Step 3 — Retrieve Information

Above is just a preview of all the information you will be able to view, but the Arizona Secretary of State provides more data than most States and the user may be able to view the business’s; File Number, Name, Address, Registered Agent (Statutory), Registered Agent Addresses (Mailing and Physical), Agent Status, Profit or Non, Incorporation Date, State of Domicile, Approval Date, Life Period, Officer(s), Director(s), Annual Report(s), and the option to see copies of any and all previous filings.